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Versatile code signing tool for Windows executable files, installers and scripts

Jsign is a versatile code signing tool that allows you to sign and timestamp Windows executable files, installer packages and scripts. Jsign is platform independent and provides an alternative to native tools like signtool on Windows or the Mono development tools on Unix systems. It's particularly well-suited for signing executable wrappers and installers generated by tools such as NSIS, msitools, install4j, exe4j or launch4j. It emphasizes on seamless integration with cloud key management systems and hardware tokens.

Jsign is available as a command line tool for Linux, macOS and Windows, as a task/plugin for various build systems (Maven, Gradle, Ant, GitHub Actions), and as a Java library.

Jsign is free to use and licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.



Ant Task

Here is an example showing how the signing works with Ant, using a Java keystore:

 <taskdef name="jsign" classname="net.jsign.JsignTask" classpath="jsign-7.1.jar"/>

 <jsign file="application.exe"
        name="My Application"

Another example with SPC and PVK files commonly used with signcode.exe:

 <jsign file="application.exe"

The task also accepts a fileset to sign multiple files:

 <jsign keystore="keystore.p12"
   <fileset dir="build/binaries" includes="*.exe"/>

The sign command is used by default, but other commands can be specified with the command attribute. For example for tagging a signed file with user identification data without invalidating the signature:

 <jsign command="tag" value="userid:1234-ABCD-5678-EFGH" file="application.exe"/>


Attribute Description Required
file The file to be signed. The supported files are Windows executables (EXE), DLLs, Microsoft Installers (MSI), Cabinet files (CAB), Catalog files (CAT), Windows packages (APPX/MSIX), Microsoft Dynamics 365 extension packages, NuGet packages and scripts (PowerShell, VBScript, JScript, WSF) Yes, unless a fileset is specified.
name The name of the application No
url The URL of the application No
keystore The keystore file, the SunPKCS11 configuration file, the cloud keystore name, or the smart card or hardware token name. Yes for file based keystores, PKCS#11 and cloud signing services. Optional for cards/tokens. No when certfile and keyfile are specified.
storepass The password to open the keystore. The password can be loaded from a file by using the file: prefix followed by the path of the file, or from an environment variable by using the env: prefix followed by the name of the variable. No
storetype The type of the keystore.

File based:

  • JKS: Java keystore (.jks files)
  • JCEKS: SunJCE keystore (.jceks files)
  • PKCS12: Standard PKCS#12 keystore (.p12 or .pfx files)

Hardware tokens:

  • PKCS11: PKCS#11 hardware token
  • ETOKEN: SafeNet eToken
  • NITROKEY: Nitrokey HSM
  • OPENPGP: OpenPGP card
  • OPENSC: Smart card
  • PIV: PIV card
  • YUBIKEY: YubiKey security key (requires ykcs11)

Cloud key management systems:

  • AWS: AWS Key Management Service
  • AZUREKEYVAULT: Azure Key Vault key management system
  • DIGICERTONE: DigiCert ONE Secure Software Manager
  • ESIGNER: eSigner
  • GARASIGN: Garantir Remote Signing
  • GOOGLECLOUD: Google Cloud KMS
  • HASHICORPVAULT: HashiCorp Vault
  • ORACLECLOUD: Oracle Cloud Key Management Service
  • SIGNPATH: SignPath
  • SIGNSERVER: Keyfactor SignServer
  • TRUSTEDSIGNING: Azure Trusted Signing
No, automatically detected for file based keystores.
alias The alias of the certificate used for signing in the keystore. Yes, if keystore is specified and more than one alias exist
certfile The file containing the PKCS#7 certificate chain, in PEM or DER format (.p7b or .spc files). This parameter is required if keystore isn't specified, or if the keystore used contains only the key and not the certificate chain. It may be specified if the keystore holds only the signing certificate and not the full certificate chain, otherwise Jsign will attempt to download the missing certificates from the URL specified in the Authority Information Access field of the certificates. This parameter can also be used to replace the certificate chain from the keystore. No, depends on the keystore used.
keyfile The file containing the private key. PEM and PVK files are supported.
keypass The password of the private key. When using a keystore, this parameter can be omitted if the keystore shares the same password. The password can be loaded from a file by using the file: prefix followed by the path of the file, or from an environment variable by using the env: prefix followed by the name of the variable. No
alg The digest algorithm (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512). No; defaults to SHA-256 or a format specific value
tsaurl The URL of the timestamping authority, either RFC 3161 or Authenticode services. You can use for example the Sectigo ( or the DigiCert ( services.
Several URLs separated by a comma can be specified to fallback on alternative servers.
tsmode The timestamping mode (RFC3161 or Authenticode) No; defaults to Authenticode
tsretries The number of retries for timestamping No; defaults to 3
tsretrywait The number of seconds to wait between timestamping retries No; defaults to 10 seconds
replace Tells if previous signatures should be replaced. No; defaults to "false"
encoding The encoding of the script to be signed (if it doesn't contain a byte order mark). No; defaults to "UTF-8"
detached Tells if a detached signature should be generated or reused. The detached signature is a file in the same directory using the name of the file signed with the .sig suffix added (for example application.exe.sig).
  • If the signature doesn't exist, the file is signed as usual and the detached signature is generated.
  • If the signature exists it is attached to the file, replacing any existing signature (in this case the private key isn't used for signing and no timestamping is performed).
No; defaults to "false"
value The value of the unsigned attribute when tagging a file. The value is either:
  • a string (such as a user id, a license key or a JWT token)
  • the name of the file to include, prefixed with file:
  • a binary value in hexadecimal format, prefixed with 0x

If no value is specified a default 1KB template is used, filled with zeros and delimited by -----BEGIN TAG----- and -----END TAG----- markers.

No; defaults to 1KB template

Maven plugin

Here is an example showing how the signing works with Maven. The parameters are the same as those described above for the Ant task. The execution is bound by default to the package phase.

                <name>My Application</name>

It's possible to sign multiple files by using a fileset element instead of file:


The value of the storepass and keypass elements can be encrypted using the Maven master password:


The storepass and keypass elements may also reference a password defined in the Maven settings file.

In ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml a server is defined with the password of the keystore:

  <settings xmlns="">

And in the Maven project file, the password element references the server id prefixed with mvn::


Gradle plugin

Here is an example showing how to use Jsign with Gradle. The parameters are the same as those described above for the Ant task.

With the Groovy syntax:

    plugins {
        id 'net.jsign' version '7.1'
    task sign {
        doLast {
            jsign(file      : 'application.exe',
                  name      : 'My Application',
                  url       : '',
                  keystore  : 'keystore.p12',
                  alias     : 'test',
                  storepass : 'secret',
                  tsaurl    : '')

With the Kotlin syntax:

    plugins {
        id("net.jsign") version "7.1"
    task("sign") {
        doLast {
            val jsign = project.extensions.getByName("jsign") as groovy.lang.Closure<*>
            jsign("file"      to "application.exe",
                  "name"      to "My Application",
                  "url"       to "",
                  "keystore"  to "keystore.p12",
                  "alias"     to "test",
                  "storepass" to "secret",
                  "tsaurl"    to "")

GitHub Actions

Jsign can be used in GitHub Actions by inserting the following steps in the workflow:


      - name: Set up Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          java-version: 17
          distribution: 'temurin'

      - name: Download Jsign
        run: wget

      - name: Sign
        run: >
          java -jar jsign-7.1.jar --storetype TRUSTEDSIGNING
                                  --storepass ${{ secrets.AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
                                  --alias <account>/<profile>
                                  ${{ github.workspace }}/dist/application.exe

Command Line Tool

On systems with an installation package available the command line is invoked with:

 jsign [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

On other systems the command line is invoked by running the jar with:

 java -jar jsign-7.1.jar [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

The parameters expected are the same as those used by the Ant task:

  usage: jsign [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [FILE] [PATTERN] [@FILELIST]...

  Sign and timestamp Windows executable files, Microsoft Installers (MSI), Cabinet
  files (CAB), Catalog files (CAT), Windows packages (APPX/MSIX), Microsoft Dynamics
  365 extension packages, NuGet packages and scripts (PowerShell, VBScript, JScript, WSF)
  commands: sign (default), timestamp, extract, remove, tag

  -s,--keystore <FILE>       The keystore file, the SunPKCS11 configuration file,
                             the cloud keystore name, or the card/token name
     --storepass <PASSWORD>  The password to open the keystore
     --storetype <TYPE>      The type of the keystore
                             File based:
                             - JKS: Java keystore (.jks files)
                             - JCEKS: SunJCE keystore (.jceks files)
                             - PKCS12: Standard PKCS#12 keystore (.p12 or .pfx files)
                             Hardware tokens:
                             - PKCS11: PKCS#11 hardware token
                             - ETOKEN: SafeNet eToken
                             - NITROKEY: Nitrokey HSM
                             - OPENPGP: OpenPGP card
                             - OPENSC: Smart card
                             - PIV: PIV card
                             - YUBIKEY: YubiKey security key
                             Cloud key management systems:
                             - AWS: AWS Key Management Service
                             - AZUREKEYVAULT: Azure Key Vault key management system
                             - DIGICERTONE: DigiCert ONE Secure Software Manager
                             - ESIGNER: eSigner
                             - GARASIGN: Garantir Remote Signing
                             - GOOGLECLOUD: Google Cloud KMS
                             - HASHICORPVAULT: HashiCorp Vault
                             - ORACLECLOUD: Oracle Cloud Key Management Service
                             - SIGNPATH: SignPath
                             - SIGNSERVER: Keyfactor SignServer
                             - TRUSTEDSIGNING: Azure Trusted Signing
  -a,--alias <NAME>          The alias of the certificate used for signing in the keystore
     --keypass <PASSWORD>    The password of the private key. When using a keystore,
                             this parameter can be omitted if the keystore shares the
                             same password
     --keyfile <FILE>        The file containing the private key (supports PEM & PVK files)
  -c,--certfile <FILE>       The file containing the PKCS#7 certificate chain
                             (.p7b or .spc files).
  -d,--alg <ALGORITHM>       The digest algorithm (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512)
  -t,--tsaurl <URL>          The URL of the timestamping authority
  -m,--tsmode <MODE>         The timestamping mode (RFC3161 or Authenticode)
  -r,--tsretries <NUMBER>    The number of retries for timestamping
  -w,--tsretrywait <SECONDS> The number of seconds to wait between timestamping retries
  -n,--name <NAME>           The name of the application
  -u,--url <URL>             The URL of the application
     --proxyUrl <URL>        The URL of the HTTP proxy
     --proxyUser <NAME>      The user for the HTTP proxy. If a user is needed
     --proxyPass <PASSWORD>  The password for the HTTP proxy user. If a user is needed
     --replace               Tells if the previous signatures should be replaced
  -e,--encoding <ENCODING>   The encoding of the script to be signed (UTF-8 by default,
                             or the encoding specified by the byte order mark if there is one)
     --detached              Tells if a detached signature should be generated or reused
     --quiet                 Print only error messages
     --verbose               Print more information
     --debug                 Print debugging information
  -h,--help                  Print the help

  -t,--tsaurl <URL>          The URL of the timestamping authority
  -m,--tsmode <MODE>         The timestamping mode (RFC3161 or Authenticode)
  -r,--tsretries <NUMBER>    The number of retries for timestamping
  -w,--tsretrywait <SECONDS> The number of seconds to wait between timestamping retries
     --proxyUrl <URL>        The URL of the HTTP proxy
     --proxyUser <NAME>      The user for the HTTP proxy. If a user is needed
     --proxyPass <PASSWORD>  The password for the HTTP proxy user. If a user is needed
     --replace               Tells if the previous timestamps should be replaced

     --format <FORMAT>       The output format of the signature (DER or PEM)

     --value <VALUE>         The value of the unsigned attribute

After the options Jsign accepts one or more files to sign as arguments. The arguments may contain '*' or '**' wildcards to match multiple files and scan through directories recursively. For example using build/*.exe will sign the executables in the build directory, and installdir/**/*.dll will scan the installdir directory recursively and sign all the DLLs found. If an argument starts with @ it is considered as a text file containing a list of files to sign, one per line.


Signing with a Java keystore

 jsign --keystore keystore.jks --storepass password --alias test \
       --tsaurl application.exe

Signing with a SPC certificate and a PVK key

 jsign --certfile certificate.spc --keyfile key.pvk --keypass password application.exe

Signing with a YubiKey

When using a Yubikey, the alias is required only if the device contains more than one certificate. The certificate is specified by its name (typically X.509 Certificate for Digital Signature for the slot 9c, or X.509 Certificate for PIV Authentication for the slot 9a). The ykcs11 library from the Yubico PIV Tool must be installed on the system at the default location.

 jsign --storetype YUBIKEY --storepass 123456 application.exe

Alternatively, the PIV storetype can also be used to sign with a Yubikey and doesn't require the ykcs11 library.

Signing with a Nitrokey HSM

Signing with a Nitrokey HSM requires the installation of OpenSC.

 jsign --storetype NITROKEY --storepass 123456 --alias test \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

Other Nitrokeys based on the OpenPGP card standard are also supported with this storetype, but an X.509 certificate must be imported into the Nitrokey (using the gnupg writecert command). Keys without certificates are ignored. Alternatively, the OPENPGP storetype can also be used, it doesn't require OpenSC and any key can be used by providing an external certificate.

Signing with a SafeNet eToken

Signing with a SafeNet eToken requires the installation of the SafeNet Authentication Client.

  jsign --storetype ETOKEN --storepass <PIN> application.exe

Signing with a smart card

Signing with a smart card requires the installation of OpenSC.

 jsign --storetype OPENSC --storepass 123456 --alias test \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

If multiple devices are connected, the keystore parameter can be used to specify the name of the one to use.

Signing with an OpenPGP card

OpenPGP cards contain up to 3 keys, one for signing, one for encryption, and one for authentication. All of them can be used for code signing (except encryption keys based on an elliptic curve). The alias to select the key is either, SIGNATURE, ENCRYPTION or AUTHENTICATION. The OPENPGP storetype can be used with a Nitrokey (non-HSM models) or a Yubikey.

 jsign --storetype OPENPGP --storepass 123456 --alias SIGNATURE \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

The certfile parameter is only required if no X.509 certificate is stored on the card for the key used.

If multiple devices are connected, the keystore parameter can be used to specify the name of the one to use.

Signing with a PIV card

PIV cards contain up to 24 keys and certificates. The alias to select the key is either AUTHENTICATION, SIGNATURE, KEY_MANAGEMENT, CARD_AUTHENTICATION, or RETIRED<1-20>. Slot numbers are also accepted (for example 9c for the digital signature key).

 jsign --storetype PIV --storepass 123456 --alias SIGNATURE application.exe

If multiple devices are connected, the keystore parameter can be used to specify the name of the one to use.

Signing with AWS Key Management Service

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) stores only the private key, the certificate must be provided separately. The keystore parameter references the AWS region. Setting the AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT environment variable to true will ensure the FIPS endpoint is used.

The AWS access key, secret key, and optionally the session token, are concatenated and used as the storepass parameter; if the latter is not provided, Jsign attempts to fetch the credentials from the environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN), from the ECS container credentials endpoint, or from the IMDSv2 service when running on an AWS EC2 instance.

In any case, the credentials must allow the following actions: kms:ListKeys, kms:DescribeKey and kms:Sign.

The alias parameter can specify either the key id or an alias.

 jsign --storetype AWS \
       --keystore eu-west-3 \
       --storepass "<access-key>|<secret-key>|<session-token>" \
       --alias 12345678-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

Signing with Azure Key Vault

Certificates and keys stored in the Azure Key Vault key management system can be used with:

 jsign --storetype AZUREKEYVAULT \
       --keystore vaultname \
       --storepass <api-access-token> \
       --alias test application.exe

The access token can be obtained with the Azure CLI:

 az account get-access-token --resource ""

The Azure account used must have the "Key Vault Crypto User" and "Key Vault Certificate User" roles.

Signing with Azure Trusted Signing

With the Azure Trusted Signing service the keystore parameter specifies the endpoint URI, and the alias combines the account name and the certificate profile. The Azure API access token is used as the keystore password.

 jsign --storetype TRUSTEDSIGNING \
       --keystore \
       --storepass <api-access-token> \
       --alias <account>/<profile> application.exe

The access token can be obtained with the Azure CLI:

 az account get-access-token --resource

The Azure account used must have the "Code Signing Certificate Profile Signer" role.

The certificates issued by Azure Trusted Signing have a lifetime of 3 days only, and timestamping is necessary to ensure the long term validity of the signature. For this reason timestamping is automatically enabled when signing with this service.

Implementation note: Jsign performs an extra call to the signing API to retrieve the current certificate chain before signing. When signing multiple files it's recommended to invoke Jsign only once with the list of files to avoid doubling the quota usage.

Signing with DigiCert ONE / DigiCert KeyLocker

Certificates and keys stored in the DigiCert ONE Secure Software Manager can be used directly without installing the DigiCert client tools. It requires an API key and a PKCS#12 keystore holding a client certificate for the authentication. The US DigiCert ONE host is used by default ( but a different host can be specified with the --keystore parameter.

 jsign --storetype DIGICERTONE \
       --storepass "<api-key>|/path/to/Certificate_pkcs12.p12|<password>" \
       --alias test application.exe

Signing with eSigner

When signing with the eSigner service, the username and password are used as the keystore password, and the base64 encoded TOTP secret is used as the key password:

 jsign --storetype ESIGNER \
       --storepass "<username>|<password>" \
       --alias 8b072e22-7685-4771-b5c6-48e46614915f \
       --keypass <totp-secret> application.exe provides a sandbox environment, to use a test certificate simply add the parameter --keystore

Signing with GaraSign

GaraSign is a remote signing service provided by Garantir. The authentication is performed by specifying the username/password or the TLS client certificate in the storepass parameter. If the TLS client certificate is stored in a password protected keystore, the password is specified in the keypass parameter. The keystore parameter references the URL of the GaraSign REST API ( by default).

Authenticating with a username and a password:

 jsign --storetype GARASIGN \
       --storepass "<username>|<password>" \
       --alias test \

Authenticating with a TLS client certificate and a non-default endpoint:

 jsign --storetype GARASIGN \
       --keystore \
       --storepass "/path/to/client-certificate.p12" \
       --keypass <client-certificate-password> \
       --alias test \

Signing with Google Cloud KMS

Google Cloud KMS stores only the private key, the certificate must be provided separately. The keystore parameter references the path of the keyring. The alias specifies the name and the version of the key:

 jsign --storetype GOOGLECLOUD \
       --keystore projects/first-rain-123/locations/global/keyRings/mykeyring \
       --storepass <api-access-token> \
       --alias test/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

The version of the key can be omitted (e.g. --alias test), in this case the most recent version of the key is picked automatically. This avoids modifying the parameters every time the key is updated, but the signing process is slightly slower due to an additional API call, and it requires an extra permission.

The access token is typically provided by the gcloud tool:

 gcloud auth print-access-token

When creating the key the purpose must be set to "Asymmetric sign", and the algorithm must be either Elliptic Curve or RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding and SHA digest. Keys with PSS padding or raw RSA mode are not supported.

The Google Cloud account used must have the following permissions:

These permissions are covered by the Cloud KMS CryptoKey Signer and Cloud KMS Viewer roles.

Signing with HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault exposes keys through secrets engines. Jsign supports the Google Cloud KMS and Transit secrets engines. The keystore parameter references the endpoint of the secrets engine, which is typically the Vault server URL and the API version v1 followed by the secrets engine path. The certificate must be provided separately using the certfile parameter. The alias parameter specifies the name of the key in Vault. For the Google Cloud KMS secrets engine, the version of the Google Cloud key is appended to the key name, separated by a colon character.

 jsign --storetype HASHICORPVAULT \
       --keystore \
       --storepass <vault-token> \
       --alias test:1 \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

Signing with Keyfactor SignServer

SignServer is a cloud/on-premises open source signing service developed by Keyfactor. SignServer supports various signing operations handled by signer workers. Jsign requires a Plain Signer worker, preferably configured with the CLIENTSIDEHASHING or ALLOW_CLIENTSIDEHASHING_OVERRIDE properties set to true, and the SIGNATUREALGORITHM property set to NONEwithRSA or NONEwithECDSA. The worker may be configured with server-side hashing (i.e. with CLIENTSIDEHASHING and ALLOW_CLIENTSIDEHASHING_OVERRIDE set to false, and a proper SIGNATUREALGORITHM set), in this case the worker name or id in the alias has to be suffixed with |serverside.

If necessary the authentication is performed by specifying the username/password or the TLS client certificate in the storepass parameter. If the TLS client certificate is stored in a password protected keystore, the password is specified in the keypass parameter. The keystore parameter references the URL of the SignServer REST API. The alias parameter specifies the id or the name of the worker.

Authenticating with a username and a password:

 jsign --storetype SIGNSERVER \
       --keystore \
       --storepass "<username>|<password>" \
       --alias test \

Authenticating with a TLS client certificate:

 jsign --storetype SIGNSERVER \
       --keystore \
       --storepass "/path/to/client-certificate.p12" \
       --keypass <client-certificate-password> \
       --alias test \

Using server-side hashing, the digest algorithm must match the one configured for the worker:

 jsign --storetype SIGNSERVER \
       --keystore \
       --alias "test|serverside" \
       --alg SHA-512 \

Signing with Oracle Cloud Key Management Service

Signing with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Key Management Service requires the configuration file or the environment variables used by the OCI CLI. The OCI CLI isn't required for signing, but it may be used to initialize the configuration file with oci setup bootstrap.

The storepass parameter specifies the path to the configuration file (~/.oci/config by default). If the configuration file contains multiple profiles, the name of the non-default profile to use is appended to the storepass (for example ~/.oci/config|PROFILE). The keypass parameter may be used to specify the passphrase of the key file used for signing the requests to the OCI API if it isn't set in the configuration file.

The certificate must be provided separately using the certfile parameter. The alias specifies the OCID of the key.

The general syntax looks like this:

 jsign --storetype ORACLECLOUD \
       --storepass "<oci-config-file>|<profile>" \
       --keypass <passphrase> \
       --alias \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

When using the default configuration file and profile, the command is simplified to:

 jsign --storetype ORACLECLOUD \
       --alias \
       --certfile full-chain.pem application.exe

The configuration file can be replaced (or overridden) by environment variables. Here are the variables expected:

Signing with SignPath

Signing with SignPath requires an account entitled to use the code signing gateway and a signing policy configured for hash signing. The keystore parameter specifies the organization identifier, and the storepass parameter the API access token. The alias parameter is the concatenation of the project slug and the signing policy slug, separated by a slash character.

 jsign --storetype SIGNPATH \
       --kesytore <organizationId> \
       --storepass <accessToken> \
       --alias <projectSlug>/<signingPolicySlug> \


A signed file can be modified to include additional data without invalidating the signature. This feature is useful for embedding user identification data, such as a licence key or a session token, within a signed installer when the file is downloaded. Upon installation, the installer extracts this data, enabling the application to automatically authenticate the user without requiring credentials.

For example, to tag a signed installer with a licence key:

  jsign tag --value userid:1234-ABCD-5678-EFGH installer.exe

For an executable file, the tag can be found next to the timestamp of the signature, in the last few kilobytes of the file.

A common pattern consist in embedding a default template at build time, providing enough space for the data to be inserted when the file is downloaded. This allows a simple search-and-replace operation to be performed on the download server without needing Jsign to be installed. For example:


If the value parameter is omitted Jsign will insert a default 1KB template filled with zeros, delimited by -----BEGIN TAG----- and -----END TAG----- markers.


Jsign also provides a simple API for signing files and can be embedded in another application.

Simply add this dependency to the project:


and then use the AuthenticodeSigner class like this:

 KeyStore keystore = new KeyStoreBuilder().keystore("keystore.p12").storepass("password").build();

 AuthenticodeSigner signer = new AuthenticodeSigner(keystore, "test", "secret");
 signer.withProgramName("My Application")

 try (Signable file = Signable.of(new File("application.exe"))) {

See the Javadoc for more details about the API.

JCA security provider

Jsign implements a JCA security provider that can be integrated with other Java based signing tools to extend their range of supported keystores.

JAR signing

The JCA provider can be used to sign JAR files with with the jarsigner tool.

With Java 11 or later the syntax looks like this:

 jarsigner -J-cp -Jjsign-7.1.jar -J--add-modules -Jjava.sql \
           -providerClass net.jsign.jca.JsignJcaProvider \
           -providerArg <keystore> \
           -keystore NONE \
           -storetype <storetype> \
           -storepass <storepass> \
           -keypass <keypass> \
           -certchain <certfile> \
           application.jar <alias>

With Java 8 the classpath must reference tools.jar from the JDK and the --add-modules parameter is removed:

 jarsigner -J-cp -Jjsign-7.1.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar \

The keystore parameter must be set to NONE, the actual value of the keystore is specified with the providerArg parameter instead.

APK signing

The JCA provider can be used to sign Android applications with the apksigner tool. The syntax looks like this:

 java -cp apksigner.jar:jsign.jar sign \
      --provider-class net.jsign.jca.JsignJcaProvider \
      --provider-arg <keystore> \
      --ks NONE \
      --ks-type <storetype> \
      --ks-pass pass:<storepass> \
      --ks-key-alias <alias> \
      --key-pass pass:<keypass> \
      --cert <certfile> \
      --in application.apk


Jsign leverages the cryptography API developed by the Bouncy Castle project.
PVK parsing is based on the pvktool by Stephen N Henson.
MSI signing was possible thanks to the work done by the osslsigncode and Apache POI projects.

Jsign includes contributions from Emmanuel Bourg, Florent Daigniere, Michael Szediwy, Michael Peterson, Markus Kilås, Erwin Tratar, Björn Kautler, Joseph Lee, Maria Merkel, Vincent Malmedy, Sebastian Müller, Sebastian Stamm, Eatay Mizrachi and Alejandro González.


Emmanuel Bourg (,